Learn more about our innovative and engaging solutions for clinics and therapists.
Gain confidence in patient compliance. With metrics including time spent and quality of exercises performed, you have all the data you need from a patient’s at-home regimen to maximize the time you spend together in the clinic.
Non-compliance costs clinics money. And with traditional therapies, only 35% of patients attend all their insurance-authorized visits.* Depending on the size of the clinic, patient drop out can equate to anywhere from $250k to over $1 million per year in lost revenue.
*Sluijs, E.M., et al. “Correlates of exercise compliance in physical therapy.” Physical Therapy & Rehaibilitation Journal.
At RxGames, patient engagement is our highest priority.
"Engagement in health-promoting behaviors is a key factor in achieving better health outcomes, as it directly influences individuals’ adherence..." - David A. Kessler